Saturday 20 November 2010

Sleepy Cat

Weather-south East-cloudy,damp,sunshine later in the day. Temp-mild.
 I have been sleeping and staying in a lot this week because I hate the rain and cold.It takes a long time for my fur to dry as it is very thick so I have been cosying up on my fleece dressing gown hearing the rain on the windows. I did hide in my special place which is great for spying on Tuesday and watched the window cleaner. He is always talking to himself and when he thinks no one is watching he dances,if only he knew how silly he looks,I take great pleasure in knowing I can see him and he can't see me.This week he spent most of the time talking on his phone and then I saw him going in to Mrs P's house when I went to see Ginger and he didn't come out until I was going home for my lunch. Maybe she was giving him dancing lessons.

 I felt very mischievous yesterday so I had some fun,Mrs S had left some salmon on the side and the terrible two were begging and jumping up trying to get it,pathetic! so I jumped on the side and ate it,the dog's mouths were watering ha ha  they wished they were as agile as me.Then I made myself comfy in their bed and the weedy one Dennis whined and whined but he wouldn't dare move me so Mrs S shouted at him to be quiet, he was sorry for himself the rest of the afternoon. I went out and over to the Willis family garden where they have a lovely bird table, I could see Mrs Willis in the kitchen window so I jumped on to the bird table and ate all the bird food! Mrs Willis came running out flapping her tea towel and shouting so I ran off,but I went back after a little while and sat on the bird table waiting for her to see me and come running out again,lots of fun!

  When it was tea time I went to our patio doors for Mrs S to let me in,when she opened the door I ran away ignoring her calls and when she sat back down I did it again. I love this game,I do it 3 or 4 times before I go in. I was exhausted after all this excitement so I found a good spot in Mr S's suitcase he had kindly left out for me and stayed there until 4am when I got Mrs S up to let me out. Its great being boss of the house! x                       

 The Terrible Two.

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